Comment expliquer que les prédictions du GIEC soit aussi imprécise et complètement à l'inverse de la réalité du climat?
Je vous invite à lire cet article sur le sujet dont voici les grandes lignes:
1. No scientific forecasts of the changes in the Earth’s climate.Voici une petite chanson pour vous remettre de bonne humeur...
2. Improper peer review process.
3. Complexity and uncertainty of climate render expert opinions invalid for forecasting.
4. Forecasts are needed for the effects of climate change.
5. Forecasts are needed of the costs and benefits of alternative actions that might be taken to combat climate change.
6. To justify using a climate forecasting model, one would need to test it against a relevant naïve model.
7. The climate system is stable.
8. Be conservative and avoid the precautionary principle.
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