Voici la question qui me guide dans mes recherches...
L’appât du gain manifesté par les entreprises supranationales et certains groupes oligarchiques, de même que le contrôle des ressources naturelles par ceux-ci, dirigent l’humanité vers un nouvel ordre mondial de type féodal, voir même sa perte. Confronté à cette situation, l’être humain est invité à refuser d’accepter d’emblée une pseudo-vérité véhiculée par des médias peut-être à la solde de ces entreprises et groupes. Au contraire, il est invité à s’engager dans un processus de discernement et conscientisationafin de créer sa propre vérité par la confrontation de sa réalité nécessairement subjective à des données objectives, telles que révélées par la science, par exemple.
The penalty that good men pay for not being interested in politics is to be governed by men worse than themselves. - Plato
Quelle est la définition du mensonge? http://bit.ly/cTD6rj Le GIEC nous a-t-il menti sur les changements climatiques? http://bit.ly/6JjlK2 Pourquoi ne pas dire MENTIR quand c'est vraiment le bon mot à utiliser? Pas politiquement correct? Non, mais! http://bit.ly/6ICRRM
More Dodgy Citations in the Nobel-Winning IPCC Report At its heart, the Himalayan glacier scandal that has recently shaken the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) involves a document created by the WWF.
The WWF is an activist organization. Much of its funding comes from public donations. The more successful the WWF is at persuading the public that there's a crisis, the more likely people are to give it money. (In North America, WWF stands for World Wildlife Fund. Elsewhere, it stands for World Wide Fund for Nature.)
Top priorities for the American people for 2010 according to a survey from the Pew Research center.
We see from this that the economy and jobs, which I put in the same category is making the top. Terrorism is making it third. The failed attack and the new message from Bin Laden are not helping.
I don't know if people realize that to have a good economy and jobs, putting all your money in the military to fight terrorism is probably not the best way to go.
We also see that financial regulation is not following the top priorities. It seems that all the money that went into the banks and financial market that created the crisis we now have is not an important thing to regulate for the people!
I would put the priorities in that order to support the economy and jobs.
Financial regulation at the top. Stop bailing out the people who create the problem. Start creating credits for infrastructure projects that are good for the economy and jobs.
Energy is another important step, you need to rebuild an economy through more infrastructure projects, for this, you need more energy not less. Not the kind that need more money in then what it give you back, like wind and solar, I am talking about high density nuclear power.
I am happy to see that global warming is at the bottom of that list. Anyhow, a good energy policy based on clean nuclear power will be good for the environment. We need more energy, not less if we are to have a good economy and good jobs. This will create a world where people will have what is needed to protect nature and take care of all the other priorities.
Here's some thoughts and information on Nuclear Power. I have discussed many time on this blog about nuclear power, so people following my blog will know I am a pro nuclear power advocate.
Nuclear power started out from projects related to the atomic bomb and the technologies we kept where the ones that could provide material for bomb making. This situation created many of the anti-nuclear movement we now see.
It is now time to enter a second stage of nuclear power, some call it the nuclear renaissance. This paradigm shift is starting to get into high gear as we see all over the world.
We now hear about new nuclear technologies based on Thorium, which cannot be used to make bombs and are creating less "waste" than the popular fission of uranium in the generation 1 and 2 power station. We are starting to install generation 3 and soon generation 4 nuclear power, which burn more cleanly and with even more security than before.
We also hear about new smaller, modular nuclear reactor that could be installed safely around the world to provide clean, stable power to 2 billion people with no access to electricity. Those modular power station could also provide power to remote locations around the world, removing the need of long, costly power lines by providing power to where is it needed.
Access to clean water worldwide is becoming a problem that nuclear based desalination will resolve. This process consist of removing salt from sea water to provide clean water. We will never run out of water worldwide.
There is also talks of "recycling" dirty coal power plants by removing the coal burners by those small modular nuclear reactors and re-using the electric generation section of the coal plant.
In October 2009 there was a conference hosted by Mondo Energy: The Truth About Nuclear Energy
Here's a playlist I made of the conference videos. Most of them makes a lot of senses to me, except for some little things that are not worthy of discussion.
It is also worth mentioning that next week, Jan 25 to Jan 29 is National Nuclear Science Week. Right during my 45 birthday ;-) There you will find some good material on everything nuclear.
This morning I was listening to one of my favorite podcast by Rod Adams where they discussed a letter send to Dr. John P. Holdren recommending the push of nuclear power. This letter is cosigned by an impressive list of people and one of them caught my eye, since he his from Québec, where I live.
H. Douglas Lightfoot, Mechanical Engineer (Ret.), MBA Member of Global Environ-mental and Climate Centre (GEC3), McGill University. Author of Nobody‘s Fuel DVD.
So I was curious about this gentlemen and found his web site Nobody‘s Fuel. Here's the intro you can find on it.
"I am concerned about people, the environment and climate change. I’ve used my skills and experience to create a workable response to these concerns. Nobody’s Fuel—Energy supply is more important than climate change is not just something to say. It’s a statement backed by science.
We need lots of energy to:
1. Lift poor nations out of poverty
2. Maintain the well-being of everyone on Earth
3. Adapt to climate change
4. Protect the environment
Without adequate energy, the trees we all enjoy will be burned to heat people’s houses and the environment will be destroyed. As the climate changes, and it is always warming or cooling, we must have adequate energy to allow us to adapt to climate change, and help others to do so.
He has made a DVD video I just bought about the need to push more nuclear energy for the better of mankind.
1. Promote nuclear generation of electricity to your neighbours, colleagues and elected representatives.
2. Produce all electricity by nuclear energy and use electricity everywhere we can, for example for:
heating of homes and cooking
public transportation
3. Reserve liquid fuels for road and air transport, i.e., gasoline from oil, tar sands, and coal because there are no substitutes on the scale required. How?
convert home heating from oil to electricity—you will have to do it eventually as oil and natural gas become scarce
coal is more valuable converted to liquid fuels than burned to generate electricity—replace with nuclear
convert large ships to nuclear power
4. Replace the current nuclear reactors with fast breeder reactors to ensure nuclear fuel for tens of thousands of years. This will take decades—we must start now.
5. Practice conservation as you see it. How? Maintain your comfort, security and safety levels but:
turn off lights, TVs, and computers when not required
reduce hot water use (but maintain good health control)
walk or ride a bicycle if it makes sense
recycle waste and items no longer needed
use public transportation where it makes sense
buy a fuel efficient car
6. Use energy as efficiently as possible. How?
use “Energy Star” appliances
use low energy light bulbs
install programmable thermostats
use motion detector lights
upgrade house insulation, windows, and weather stripping
maintain your car as recommended
promote energy efficiency initiatives
7. Promote renewable energies where they make sense—they are much too small to replace fossil fuels, but can help extend fossil fuel reserves.
8. Construct electricity generating and distribution systems robustly and with excess capacity. As fossil fuels become scarce, they will be replaced with nuclear generated electricity except in road and air transport. We have all seen blackouts caused when the system approaches its maximum capacity.
Positive results can be obtained for every person on earth if the ESP is pursued vigorously and the objectives are met. These include:
Lifting poor nations out of poverty
Maintaining the well-being of everyone
Adapting to climate change
Protecting the environment
Reducing carbon emissions to acceptable levels
We, the "Bâtisseur de nations" talked about those same issues in a conference in March 2009 in St-Jérôme, Québec. You can view the whole conference online here.
First of all, my heart goes to the Haitian people. I donated some money to CECI and Croix-Rouge, but things I would have liked to see from US, the "rich" countries are:
A drop of millions of food-water packs from the air. We could have organized quickly small packages containing high calorie bars and water bottle, attach them to small parachute and drop them from air planes or helicopters. We hear from the news the difficulty of reaching the people, this could have been a solution.
We could, with some work and preparation, have a nuclear powered "barge" ready to provide power and fresh water from a sea water when needed. The Russian have build such vessels.
Each vessel has two modified KLT-40 naval propulsion reactors providing up to 70 MW of electricity or 300 MW of heat, enough for a city with population of 200,000 people. It could also be modified as a desalination plant producing 240,000 cubic meters of fresh water a day.
Another idea I had (not the first to have it, it seems) was to use blimps as cell towers. Those communication devices could be setup quickly and be impervious to any problem on the ground. Communication would have been greatly improved.
Imagine the difference that would have made if we would have been ready to deploy those ideas to the people of Haiti. We have the creativity and knowledge to do all this, we just need to divert some resources from the wars and banks recovery to get it done.
Now on the light reading
If we remove nuclear power station, does it automatically add more renewable power or more coal power? Read more
How can you increase the production of greenhouse vegetable by more than 200%? Easy, add CO2. Read more
You remember the ClimateGate scandal from the UK research center, well it seems now that this scandal and data manipulation was also done in the USA for world temperature record. Read more and make sure to watch this segment.
Who thinks this?: The only way humanity can cease to be an affront to the planet is if the 7-billion-strong human family is reduced to a hunter-gather-sized population. Read more
Question of the day:
How can we make altruism, the unselfish concern for the welfare of others a larger influence in our world than the egotistic, self centered, corruption that seems to plague our everyday news? Read more
Ok enough for today.. Heading out for some cross country skiing.
Hier soir mon fils est revenu de l'école et me dis, papa, tu dois écouter ce vidéo sur l'Afrique, c'est bon.
Le visionnement du film me rappelle un autre vidéo que j'ai vu qui nous résume bien le test moral que représente l'Afrique pour l'humanité. Il est plus que temps que nous arrêtions notre pillage collectif de l'Afrique et que nous développions sérieusement ce berceau de l'humanité pour le plus grand bien de son peuple.
En 1987, 27 000 garçons de 5 à 10 ans fuient le Soudan en proie à l'épuration ethnique. Après avoir marché 1 600 km dans le désert du Sahara, ils ne sont plus que 12 000 à rejoindre le camp de réfugiés de Kakuma, au Kenya, en 1992. On surnomme ces survivants les " garçons perdus " du Soudan... Une décennie plus tard, le documentaire Dieu s'est lassé de nous suit le destin de trois d'entre eux, conviés à s'installer aux États-Unis. Un aller simple vers le bonheur, la prospérité et la liberté? Pas si sur... En 2006, Dieu s'est lassé de nous a remporté le Grand prix du jury et le Prix du public au Festival de Sundance, et le Prix Canal+ au Festival du Cinéma Américain de Deauville.
Voici le vidéo en question, Dieu s'est lassé de nous:
Britain's big freeze is the start of a worldwide trend towards colder weather that seriously challenges global warming theories, eminent scientists claimed yesterday.
The world has entered a 'cold mode' which is likely to bring a global dip in temperatures which will last for 20 to 30 years, they say.
Their predictions – based on an analysis of natural cycles in water temperatures in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans – challenge some of the global warming orthodoxy’s most deeply cherished beliefs, such as the claim that the North Pole will be free of ice in
summer by 2013. Read more
The subheadline reads: “Climate change hero was on boards of oil and power PSU’s with large carbon footprints, got crores worth of business for TERI from them“
UPDATE: We are not cooling we are in a "plateau"...
Ouf I was worried we where going into another ice age... I prefer warmer weather where people don't die and plants and animal strives. --Sarcasm off
This film from the NRDC shows one point of view on the ocean acidification cause by CO2, Man made CO2. The NRDC chose to present an extreme one-sided, propagandized view of ocean acidification in their film.
I always wonder why people choose fear and propaganda instead of science. What are their motives and goals? Is it because FEAR sells better than reality based in science?
The Science and Public Policy Institute (SPPI) – a DC think tank – has produced a science-based critique of a recent film produced by the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC). The SPPI paper is entitled Acid Test: The Global Challenge of Ocean Acidification – A New Propaganda Film by the National Resources Defense Council Fails the Acid Test of Real World Data
In late 2009, NRDC released a short 21-minute film entitled Acid Test: The Global Challenge of Ocean Acidification. Featuring Sigourney Weaver as its narrator, the film highlights the views of a handful of scientists, a commercial fisherman, and two employees of the NRDC, as they discuss what they claim is a megadisaster-in-the-making for Earth's marine life.
The villain of the story is industrial man, who has "altered the course of nature" by releasing large quantities of carbon dioxide or CO2 into the air via the burning of the coal, gas and oil that has historically fueled the engines of modern society. Once emitted into the atmosphere, a portion of that CO2 dissolves into the surface of the world’s oceans, where subsequent chemical reactions, according to the NRCD, are lowering the pH status of their waters. This phenomenon, they theorize, is reducing marine calcification rates; and if left unchecked, they claim it will become so corrosive that it "will cause sea shells to dissolve" and drive coral reefs to extinction "within 20 to 30 years."
“Typically, the NRDC chose to present an extreme one-sided, propagandized view of ocean acidification in their film,” says SPPI president, Robert Ferguson. “The part of the story that they clearly don't want the public and policy makers to know was just released in our newest review of the peer-reviewed scientific literature,” added Ferguson.
Written by Dr. Craig D. Idso for the Science and Public Policy Institute, the new review reveals that an equally strong, if not more persuasive, case can be made that the ongoing rise in atmospheric CO2 concentration will actually benefit calcifying marine life. As such, the NRDC's portrayal of CO2-induced ocean acidification as a megadisaster-in-the-making is seen, at best, to be a one-sided distortion of the truth or, at worst, a blatant attempt to deceive the public and their elected represenatives.
According to Dr. Idso, "Surely, the NRDC and the scientists portrayed in their film should have been aware of at least one of the numerous peer-reviewed scientific journal articles that do not support a catastrophic – or even a problematic – view of the effect of ocean acidification on calcifying marine organisms; and they should have shared that information with the public. If by some slim chance they were not aware, they should be called to task for not investing the time, energy, and resources needed to fully investigate an issue that has profound significance for the biosphere and public policy making. And if they did know the results of the studies we have discussed, no one should ever believe a single word they may utter or write in the future."
According to this study, the Swiss glaciers where melting faster in the 1940s than today.
Some of the reasons where:
1. Solar radiation as the decisive factor
This is because, taking into account the data recorded for the level of solar radiation, the scientists made a surprising discovery: in the 1940s and in the summer of 1947 especially, the glaciers lost the most ice since measurements commenced in 1914. This is in spite of the fact that temperatures were lower than in the past two decades.
2. Less snow fall and longer melt periods
Temperature-based opposing mechanisms came into play around 30 years ago. These have led to a 12% decrease in the amount of precipitation that falls as snow as a percentage of total precipitation, accompanied by an increase of around one month in the length of the melt period ever since this time
Here's a graph of the temperature based on hadcrut3 data set. I have plotted linear trends to show the "trends" and what it looked like in the 1940s. You can play around with the data here.
Some observations:
We see that the glacier melting variations are not caused only by the increase in temperature or CO2 levels
We see from this graph, that between 1910 and 1945 (35 years warming) we had a longer warming period with the same trend as of 1975 to 1999 (24 years warming) and nobody panicked at that time.
Always remember the historical view of the climate to put this in perspective.
Père de deux beaux enfants, en relation avec une jolie femme depuis 30 ans, triathlète, curieux des enjeux humanitaires, architecte sénior en développement technologique chez Bell, humaniste, électronicien. Ma curiosité est sans limites.
A powerful committee of MPs has warned that they have concerns about our
ability to keep the power on, as a result of the measures to reach net zero
CO2 ...
Show 324 - What's Good for the Goose
The U.S. political stage has long been primed for an American nightmare.
Faction loyalists can argue over who'll end up pulling the constitutional
Episode 115 - All Subsidies are not Created Equal
There's a big difference between "subsidies" the nuclear industry
"receives" and the subsidies granted to the renewable energy industry. Be
sure to sop by ...