Lire L'article de Denis Avery: Alaska’s Glaciers Are Growing
Global temperatures dropped over the past 18 months. The global mean annual temperature has been declining recently because the solar wind thrown out by the sun has retreated to its smallest extent in at least 50 years. This temperature downturn was not predicted by the global computer models, but had been predicted by the sunspot index since 2000Complément d'information (PDF) : Influence of Cosmic Rays on Earth's Climate
The sunspot index has a 59 percent correlation with our temperatures (with a roughly ten-year lag). CO2 has only an “accidental” 22 percent correlation with our temperatures, which should be grounds for dismissing CO2 as a major climate player.
All this is radically different from the 5-degree C warming predicted by the computer models. However, the scientific rule says: if actual observations tell you something that’s the opposite of your theory, change your theory.
During the last solar cycle Earth's cloud cover underwent a modulation more closely in phase with the galactic cosmic ray flux than with other solar activity parameters. Further it is found that Earth's temperature follows more closely decade variations in galactic cosmic ray flux, and solar cycle length, than other solar activity parameters. The main conclusion is that the average state of the Heliosphere aects Earth's climate.Plus d'information ici ... Large étude sur l'influence des rayons cosmique sur le climat:
Étude des glaciers en Alaska.
Extrait: (L'étude est basé sur les 40 denières années...)
Although more than 99 percent of Alaska's large glaciers are retreating, a handful, surprisingly, are advancing.Les 30 prochaines années de refroidissement prévu par le cycle solaire, devrait nous donner une autre indication sur l'avancé des glaciers.
Plusieurs chercheurs font le lien énergétique et magnétique entre le soleil et la terre. Est-ce que ces nouvelles découvertes expliquerais certain phénomène?
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