Voici la question qui me guide dans mes recherches...

L’appât du gain manifesté par les entreprises supranationales et certains groupes oligarchiques, de même que le contrôle des ressources naturelles par ceux-ci, dirigent l’humanité vers un nouvel ordre mondial de type féodal, voir même sa perte. Confronté à cette situation, l’être humain est invité à refuser d’accepter d’emblée une pseudo-vérité véhiculée par des médias peut-être à la solde de ces entreprises et groupes. Au contraire, il est invité à s’engager dans un processus de discernement et conscientisation afin de créer sa propre vérité par la confrontation de sa réalité nécessairement subjective à des données objectives, telles que révélées par la science, par exemple.

The penalty that good men pay for not being interested in politics is to be governed by men worse than themselves. - Plato

lundi 11 mai 2009

Liste d'articles sur les premiers 100 jours d'Obama

Conservative Historian Andrew Bacevich Warns Against Obama's Escalation of War in Afghanistan and Intensifying Use of Air Power in Region

Less than a week after US air strikes killed over a hundred Afghan civilians, President Obama's top security adviser, General James Jones, said Sunday that the US will continue its strikes in Afghanistan, despite sharp criticism about rising civilian casualties from Afghan President Hamid Karzai. We speak to Boston University professor and retired military colonel Andrew Bacevich about why Obama's plans in Afghanistan and Pakistan are counterproductive.


Obama Breaks Yet Another Promise
Obama promised to end the military’s ban on gays, but his Administration has not done so...


Naomi Klein
HopeOver, HopeLash, HopeBreak: A Lexicon of Disappointment

All is not well in Obamafanland. It's not clear exactly what accounts for the change of mood. Maybe it was the rancid smell emanating from Treasury's latest bank bailout. Or the news that the president's chief economic adviser, Larry Summers, earned millions from the very Wall Street banks and hedge funds he is protecting from reregulation now. Or perhaps it began earlier, with Obama's silence during Israel's Gaza attack.

Obama: 100 Days of Lies and Broken Promises
Obama has broken his campaign promises far more flagrantly than his predecessors did in their first 100 days in office
Somme nous vraiment mieux avec Obama? Voici un court vidéo qui résume bien la question...

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