Establish a Royal Commission to determine the cause and extent of Global Warming - Petition signatures - GoPetition
I am #905 to sign with this comment:
I have followed this anthropogenic global warming for many years now, never seen any evidence that the CO2 we put in the air is putting us or the planet in any danger.
Policies, politics, economics and lack of education are the biggest threats we and our planet faces.
CO2 is food for plants and natural. Trying to control CO2 is only based on a Malthusian agenda with a touch of opportunism for the "green" to buy indulgence and sell low efficient energy sources, they could not sell otherwise
Is the science settled? if so, why do we have those scientist asking for proof?
The Copenhagen Climate Challenge
As of Dec 09, 2009, there is 141 scientist asking 10 questions to prove human CO2 is causing anything. They will host a conference Dec8,9th, 2009, here the programme.
Also this one with over 31,000 signature, or this one from a conference in New-York, with 114 signatures at the conference, 707 signatures not at the conference and 600 signatures from the public
Also those 450 Peer-Reviewed Papers Supporting Skepticism of "Man-Made" Global Warming
Trump in his second term has learnt a lot on how to get things done in a
hurry. Just read what he has achieved already and then imagine what he will
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