Voici la question qui me guide dans mes recherches...

L’appât du gain manifesté par les entreprises supranationales et certains groupes oligarchiques, de même que le contrôle des ressources naturelles par ceux-ci, dirigent l’humanité vers un nouvel ordre mondial de type féodal, voir même sa perte. Confronté à cette situation, l’être humain est invité à refuser d’accepter d’emblée une pseudo-vérité véhiculée par des médias peut-être à la solde de ces entreprises et groupes. Au contraire, il est invité à s’engager dans un processus de discernement et conscientisation afin de créer sa propre vérité par la confrontation de sa réalité nécessairement subjective à des données objectives, telles que révélées par la science, par exemple.

The penalty that good men pay for not being interested in politics is to be governed by men worse than themselves. - Plato

mercredi 25 novembre 2009

New Zealand Global Warming data modified to show warming

Once again, data modified to show global warming where none exist.

Source PDF Story showed here and here.

Modified data - large warming
Unmodified data - no warming

The men who modified this data to show warming was working at the CRU at the time. So why the Hadley Climate Research Unit modified the data to show warming where none exist?

Does this mean that global warming does not exist at all?

2 commentaires:

Kirthi a dit...

Global Warming exists, but some people are too blind to see it. Seeing is believing, and apparently they can't see the global warming.
Maybe they're afraid of global warming, so they refuse to believe in it?

You have a great blog, keep it up!

Simon Filiatrault a dit...


Can you be more specific on how You see it... Global Warming?

Looking at some graphics like this one : http://simonfiliatrault.blogspot.com/2009/11/excellent-article-by-lawrence-salomon.html

We see the climate of the planet changing, but global warming is not clear.

You can always find a trend, going up or going down, like I have shown here:

Humanity has always adapted to colder or warmer temperatures. Adaptation is and will always be something that defines us.

Thanks for the comment.