To all my skeptic friends... I need your help.
I am confronted every day with people who only saw one side of the climate debate. Only the alarmist view, nothing more.
The only thing they know about the skeptics is that we don't believe the climate is changing and we are all paid by some evil industry somewhere!
Anyway, you know what I am talking about.
Here's where I need help... I want to build a library of articles and video where we can point someone willing to see the other side of the issue (skeptic view) and be willing to learn.
But I don't want them to start with something that will turn them off, I want to present things as a learning curve where they will learn first what is CO2 and how is temperature measured, for example... I don't want to present them with the conclusion that most of us know that took decades of following debates and reading everything available made possible.
I want to start them soft, show them slowly some facts that the alarmist side are not showing, something that will slowly help them understand the debate and not turn them off to the other point of view while only dismissing us like we are all crazy people!
So... I would like you to comment below this post and propose articles, podcast and video that can help the general public understand this debate, without turning them off.
Thanks for the help!
Trump in his second term has learnt a lot on how to get things done in a
hurry. Just read what he has achieved already and then imagine what he will
Il y a 9 heures
1 commentaire:
Le rapport d'Alan Longhurst a prit beaucoup de documents (600) qui ont été acceptés dans le peer-review. Il apporte d'autres éléments qui influencent le climat qui ne sont pas pris en compte dans la seule hypothèse émise par l'IPCC, dont : les phases du soleil, les oscillations du Pacifique et de l'Atlantique, la capacité des océans à absorber les émanations de Co2, les récurrences dans les phases naturelles de la planète, etc.
Sa conclusion : le débat doit encore avoir lieu car les dynamiques connues ne sont pas encore sûres. Mais c'est une longue lecture. Cependant, il fait une bonne balance pour ceux qui sont curieux.
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