There have been lots of new development following Pons & Fleischmann Cold Fusion.
Now we are talking about LENR or Low Energy Nuclear Reactions.
Here's 3 presentations that occured at NASA on sept 22nd and some interesting slides extracted. More information and discussion here.
Zawodny Slides
Nelson Slides
Bushnell Slides
In Short, LENR , depending upon the TBD performance, appears to be capable of Revolutionizing Aerospace across the board. No other single technology even comes close to the potential impacts of LENR upon Agency Missions.
Some good video on the technology:
Low Energy Nuclear Revolution (English Version)
Cold Fusion More than Junk Science 60minutes 9-4-19 2 of 2
Dr. Robert Duncan on Cold Fusion at the Missouri Energy Summit 2009 Part 1-3 playlist
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