Voici la question qui me guide dans mes recherches...

L’appât du gain manifesté par les entreprises supranationales et certains groupes oligarchiques, de même que le contrôle des ressources naturelles par ceux-ci, dirigent l’humanité vers un nouvel ordre mondial de type féodal, voir même sa perte. Confronté à cette situation, l’être humain est invité à refuser d’accepter d’emblée une pseudo-vérité véhiculée par des médias peut-être à la solde de ces entreprises et groupes. Au contraire, il est invité à s’engager dans un processus de discernement et conscientisation afin de créer sa propre vérité par la confrontation de sa réalité nécessairement subjective à des données objectives, telles que révélées par la science, par exemple.

The penalty that good men pay for not being interested in politics is to be governed by men worse than themselves. - Plato

dimanche 25 septembre 2011

Low level radiation and Linear no threshold (LNT) theory. We should revisit our regulation.

We should revisit our exposure regulations because our regulatory history is founded on a deception.
Some background first.
What is radiation? According to wikipedia:
In physics, radiation is a process in which energetic particles or energy or waves travel through a medium or space. There are two distinct types of radiation; ionizing and non-ionizing. The word radiation is commonly used in reference to ionizing radiation only (i.e., having sufficient energy to ionize an atom), but it may also refer to non-ionizing radiation (e.g., radio waves, heat or visible light).

So what concerns this article will be about ionizing radiation. Again from wikipedia:
Ionizing (or ionising) radiation is radiation with sufficient energy to remove an electron from an atom or molecule. This ionization produces free radicals, atoms or molecules containing unpaired electrons, which tend to be especially chemically reactive.

Low level radiation.
We know for sure that high level radiation will kill and we know fore sure that low level radiation does not. High level radiation from a nuclear bomb or exposure to high level of radioactivity from a close source of radiation will kill you from anywhere from an instant to a few days, depending on the amount you receive.

The not so clear debate is with low level radiation. Some argue that there is no safe limit where radiation is safe. Those are the advocate of the Linear no threshold theory or LNT.

There is another school of thought that understand that low level radiation under a certain level is safe and even goes further to say that it can also be beneficial. This is called Hormesis. The theory say:
Low levels radiation, activate the body's DNA repair mechanisms, causing higher levels of cellular DNA-repair proteins to be present in the body, improving the body's ability to repair DNA damage.

Sources of radiation in our day to day life
Radiation is everywhere. From the beginning of the earth to now, we are surrounded in radiation 24 hours per day. Here's the distribution of radiation we absorb every day for different sources.

Source of the information, copy here.

We even have natural radioactivity inside our body in the form of Pottassium-40, from wikipedia:
Potassium-40 is the largest source of natural radioactivity in animals and humans. An adult human body contains about 160 grams of potassium, hence about 0.000117 x 160 = 0.0187 grams of 40K; whose decay produces about 5,000 disintegrations per second (becquerels) continuously throughout the life of the body.
Basic conclusion:
So we are ourselves radioactive and we live in a natural environment immersed in radio-activity.  looking only at those obvious natural sources, we could conclude that humans and animals evolved with radioactivity and "learned" to adapt to it.  We could say that radioactivity is helping our immune system to better cope with external influence and keep our body functioning. We could also conclude that without a minimum level of radioactivity, we would be missing the benefits of keeping the immune system "in shape" and have negative consequences from it.  The same way that to be healthy we need to exercise, our immune system need the exercise provided by this low level radiation.

What level of radiation is OK?
I documented in August 2011 that within a certain range, there is a bio positive impact from radiation and outside that range, the impact is negative, since the immune system is either "sleeping" or overwhelmed.

From the conclusion we saw in the previous sections, this graph seems logical. We live in a radioactive environment, therefore we are between point 2 and 5 of this graph, but according to my investigation, we are closer to point 2 than point 4 (optimum), thus we do not have enough radiation to have the full "benefit" of it.  There are events that happened in the past, where we saw that higher than the "normal - closer to point2" level of radiation, where beneficial.

1984 - Taiwan cobalt-contaminated steel
An extraordinary incident occurred 20 years ago in Taiwan. Recycled steel, accidentally contaminated with cobalt-60 (half-life: 5.3 y), was formed into construction steel for more than 180 buildings, which 10,000 persons occupied for 9 to 20 years. They unknowingly received radiation doses that averaged 0.4 Sv—a “collective dose” of 4,000 person-Sv

Studies 20 years later showed that the cancer rates of this population was lower than the unexposed population in the same region.

This shows that this population, exposed to higher level of radiation, but within a limit that the immune system could cope with, got a long term benefit of having an immune system more in "shape" and able to kill off cancer cells as they grew old.

Today's regulation on low level nuclear radiation.
We now have evidence that the "linear no threshold" (LNT) of low level radiation as no scientific proof and all regulation that we have now are not based on sound science.

Here's a copy of an article published in Science News on Sept 20, 2011. Highlights added

No Safe Level of Radiation Exposure? Researcher Points to Suppression of Evidence On Radiation Effects by Nobel Laureate:

University of Massachusetts Amherst environmental toxicologist Edward Calabrese, whose career research shows that low doses of some chemicals and radiation are benign or even helpful, says he has uncovered evidence that one of the fathers of radiation genetics, Nobel Prize winner Hermann Muller, knowingly lied when he claimed in 1946 that there is no safe level of radiation exposure.
Calabrese's interpretation of this history is supported by letters and other materials he has retrieved, many from formerly classified files. He published key excerpts this month in Archives of Toxicology and Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis.
Muller was awarded the 1946 Nobel Prize in medicine for his discovery that X-rays induce genetic mutations. This helped him call attention to his long-time concern over the dangers of atomic testing. Muller's intentions were good, Calabrese points out, but his decision not to mention key scientific evidence against his position has had a far-reaching impact on our approach to regulating radiation and chemical exposure. 
Calabrese uncovered correspondence from November 1946 between Muller and Curt Stern at the University of Rochester about a major experiment that had recently evaluated fruit fly germ cell mutations in Stern's laboratory. It failed to support the linear dose-response model at low exposure levels, but in Muller's speech in Oslo a few weeks later he insisted there was "no escape from the conclusion that there is no threshold." To Calabrese, this amounts to deliberate concealment and he says Stern raised no objection. 
Calabrese adds, "This isn't an academic debate, it's really practical, because all of our rules about chemical and low-level radiation are based on the premises that Muller and the National Academy of Sciences' (NAS) committee adopted at that time. Now, after all these years, it's very hard when people have been frightened to death by this dogma to persuade them that we don't need to be scared by certain low-dose exposures." 
Within a year after Muller and his group persuaded the NAS to accept the linear model for gonadal mutations, the practice was extrapolated to somatic cells and cancer. Twenty years later, NAS adopted the linear approach for chemicals. Soon thereafter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced it would use the linear model for risk assessment, Calabrese points out. 
Some can accept that even the most distinguished scientists have human failings, he acknowledges. But his view is that "the regulatory research community needs to hear about this. The implications of my findings are that we should revisit our exposure regulations because our regulatory history is founded on a deception. We have seen literally hundreds of thousands of cleanup decisions based on a model that was fraudulently derived. I think we should probably have drastically different exposure standards today, and far less fear."
Calabrese believes, "The die was cast by Muller and regulations adopted since then have gone unchallenged. I think he got his beliefs and his science confused, and he couldn't admit that the science was unresolved. So he went ahead and expressed an opinion about how to handle the public health situation." 
Geneticists in the 1950s came to embrace the "linear dose-response model" of risk because at the high exposures they tested, there was no level below which DNA damage did not occur. They felt medical doctors didn't grasp how significant were the dangers. As the smartest and brightest, Muller anticipated the risk of atmospheric atomic testing and became passionately committed to protecting society, Calabrese explains. 
Muller and Curt Stern had done many of the key experiments. Muller himself served on the NAS's Biological Effects of Atomic Radiation (BEAR) committee, through which the linear dose-response approach to risk assessment became firmly entrenched. The two successfully suppressed last-minute evidence from the fruit fly experiment conducted in Stern's lab by postdoctoral researcher Ernst Caspari, and the rest is history, Calabrese says. It marked the "transformation of a threshold-guided risk assessment to one now centered on a linear dose-response." 
"To me this all raises the question, what happens when a scientific field lies to the public, to federal agencies and the president? It's a very scary situation that the radiation genetics community in the 1950s assumed that something was correct without requiring the necessary documentation to support it," the UMass Amherst toxicologist says.
Stern's group published a paper in 1947 not long after Muller's Nobel Prize acceptance speech in which they tried to discredit their own study, further evidence of a deliberate cover-up, Calabrese says. "It's been hidden in the bowels of the Atomic Energy Commission for decades until I found it. They revised it to remove the one sentence suggesting this experiment might provide evidence for the threshold model." 
"One could argue that Muller single-handedly undermined above-ground atomic testing, which is a good thing," Calabrese says. "But after uncovering this lie, I'm starting to contemplate what society would have looked like if the regulatory community had felt free to use a threshold model. Members of that 1956 NAS BEAR committee didn't see the domino effect of their actions on our society. Muller's impact on the world of today is almost incalculable. He couldn't have imagined it. But we shouldn't have to live with it."
What are the impact of this regulation, not based on real impact of low does radiation?
The impacts are too numerous to count, but some come to mind.
  • Fukushima nuclear plant fear and exclusion zone
    • Many thousands have been forced out of their homes in the exclusion zones.  This could probably be avoided. Here's a report on this situation.

  • Nuclear power plants regulations that cost billions and slow down projects
    • Today, we impose so many regulations on nuclear power that in the end, projects are abandoned or take 15 years to complete and cost billions more. 
    • Today's coal plants release more radio activity than nuclear power!
    • Going to the doctor for an x-ray, will expose you to higher doses of radiation than working in a nuclear power plant for a year.
  • Countries that shutdown nuclear power plants or stop new projects based on fear alone
    • We see that now with Germany, Japan and other countries.
    • The impact is that they will burn more fossil fuels and have a greater impact on the environment.
  • Possible benefits of low radiation preventive therapy that could save millions from cancers.
    • We now see some cancer researchers using low does, whole body exposure to boast the immune system before a radio therapy treatments.  This help the body recover faster and give better chances to the patients.
The list goes on, like Calabrese said:
Muller's impact on the world of today is almost incalculable

Related links and documents

lundi 12 septembre 2011

9/11 Anniversary: Ten Years of Lies?

There are so many unanswered questions to 9/11, but things that were not ask often are.

  1. Follow the money?
  2. Who wanted to erase what information?
This video and many others ask this questions and many answers remind a mystery.

I like the sarcasm of this one also:

Do you have your favorites? Link them in comments.

Update: This one seems interesting also...

Empire - 9/12 and the 'war on terror'

Want to see the point of view of the Larouche people, quite interesting

lundi 5 septembre 2011

My first IronMan - Ottawa September 3rd 2011

It's done, I am now an IronMan!

Thanks to David Vincent for the picture ;-)


It all started in May 2004 by a small Duathlon in my home town of St-Jérôme.  Then jumping to sprint triathlon, Olympic distance and half-marathon. Then did 4 half ironman distance and one full marathon in Niagara falls.  You can find some details of those last 7 years on sportstats.ca and in my blog.

Preparation for this IronMan.

It take a lot of involvement, time and training to prepare yourself to swim, bike and run for a total of 226 km and be able to do that non-stop for more than 13 hours in my case.

This year, I prepared myself with those competitions:
  • 2 half-ironman distance, the mooseman and tri-memphre, magog 
  • 2 half-marathon, one in Ottawa and one in lake placid

On the training side, here's how my months and weeks looked like: January to July: I was using Endomondo to track my training.

From mid July I bought a Garmin 310XT and started tracking my trainings and competition on Garmin connect. Click to enlarge the graphics.

Last two weeks of July:

First 2 weeks of August:

Last weeks of August and first days of September including the IronMan:

Day of the event.

You always want to be rested and prepared, but going for that type of event for the first time, it's hard to get a good night sleep. So at 2 am on D-day, I could not sleep anymore. I stayed in bed up to 4, then got a small breakfast, oatmeal and a banana.  I arrived on site at 4:45 and started my fist visit or many to Porta-John.  It's funny how laxative a triathlon can be ;-)
Swim - 2 loops of 1.9km
At 6:00, my transition was ready, my special need bag, with extra shoe, sole, lunch and sugary water was on site.  At 6:30, I was on the beach and jumped into the water of Mooney's bay for the first part of the Ironman, a 3864M swim.  We had two loops around the bay to do, getting out on the beach between the


Here's the playback from Garmin.  Not very precise, because I was wearing my watch on my wrist and not on my head under the cap, so GPS signal was flaky. You can click on "View Details" and playback the swim.

According to my Garmin, I did 1h23m for a pace of 2:09/100M. Not bad for me, I was a bit tired in the last 10-15 minutes.Someone was drafting me in the water for the last loop, always touching my toes... Very bugging. Looking at Sportstats.ca, you see longer time, that's because the mat, recording you chip time is located after the transition zone before you get on  the bike, so the swim time, include the transition time.

Transition #1, SWIM to BIKE
The first transition is the longest one, because you need to run from the beach to the transition zone, around 810M away. I took the time there, to stretch a bit, put a bike shirt with pockets for my food, drink a bit of "ensure".

Bike - 12 loops of 15km
Just before I started my bike, I stop for a quick pee. You don't want to be stopping to much while doing the bike, so better to get this one done ASAP.  The bike course was almost flat, but there was a couple of challenges. There was two little "bumps" where you needed to push a bit more, I used those sometimes to get standing to give a break to be bottom.  There was also the north turn around, which was slow, with many people and not much width to turn. The south turn around, near the bay, was a bit faster and the timing
mat was there. Every turn for iron distance was announced by a support person, so you knew how many loop you had left to do.

At mid point, around 90km, I stopped for a porta-john and the special need bag to refill my food bag and my main bottle of water + Gatorade + CarboPro.  starting from around that time, my left pad on my tribar, started to move down and I started to get sore on both big toes.  This is around the same time, that my wife Marie and daughter, Ariane, where on the course near the south turn around. So I decided to do a quick stop to fix my bike and while they where working in this, I stretched and massage my feet.

During those loop, we had some strong wind that picked up a bit more at the end. So in total, I stopped 4 times. Garmin got me at a total of 6:08:04 and moving time of 6:00:33, so around 8min total stop time.  This give a average moving speed of 30.3 km/h.

Transition #2, Bike to Run
This transition was a bit shorter than the first one, around 340M. I took the time again to stretch, change the shirt and drink a bit.

Run - 6 loops of 7km for 42KM
Now the fun begins, at that point of the IronMan, you begin to feel tired, but you still have hours to go.  It was quite hot when I started around 2:30 pm. My wife said she saw 32 Celsius in the car thermometer. Other said more than 40c with humidity. For sure, it fell HOT!  During past experience, I had some heat strokes and I knew the precursor signals, like headaches. I started feeling that in the first loop, but I was prepared... in my
special need bag, near the south transition point, I had a towel, soaked and cold.  So I took it and put it on my head and put my cap on top of it.  At every aid station, I was pouring fresh water on my head to keep the towel soaked.  This helped me control my temperature.

Even with this, every time my heart rate was going near or over 140, I started feeling the pain on the right side of my head, so at that point I decided to walk to get my HR below 140.  So I was watching my HR closely and keeping it under 140 by doing run-walk while keeping it between 120 and 140. The other problem I needed to watch closely was an irritation under the left foot, or more specifically Metatarsalgia. This problem started in the peak of my training.

While trying to do a 27km run a few weeks back, I started having intense pain and I had to walk from 14km and stopped at 21 limping.  This started some 3-4 weeks before my IronMan.  So there was no way I would force that feet to perform, I needed to be smart around it.

So my plan was to walk when I started feeling the pain, go slow, at around 6min/km pace.  I also had in my special need bag another pair of orthopedic sole and another pair of shoes. So I started my race with my newer shoes, DS racers, with normal sole. At around 30km, the pain started to be too intense, so I switch to the orthopedic sole and did one loop, then back to the old shoes for another loop and then orthopedic sole in my old shoes.  Switching shoes/sole, got me going up to the end, but I still needed to run/walk to manage the pain.

In the end, I completed the 42km in 5:30, with a moving average pace of 7:11/km.  

Overall, the experience was good. I need to work on some physical problem that prevents me from being 100%.

List of things to resolve and get better:

1. The feet problem
2. The lower back stiffness, check bike position
3. Heat stroke... Not sure how to tackle this one?
4. Better overall speed and time... More training!

Photos of the event

You can see me crossing the finish line on youtube.